GoalStart Celebrates a strategic alliance with Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
Updated: Sep 20, 2024
GoalStart B.V. is thrilled to announce the signing of a licensing agreement with the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). This agreement transforms RSM’s first spin-off company, GoalStart, into a strategic partner of the business school.
This represents a new milestone for RSM’s Goal-Setting methodology as it transitions from a research initiative to a scalable global enterprise. GoalStart B.V. is based in Erasmus University at Erasmus Enterprise and is licensed to commercialize RSM’s Goal Setting intervention.

The evidence-based Goal Setting methodology, developed by Prof. Michaéla Schippers, has already made a profound impact by reducing dropout rates and improving academic performance for over 60,000 students across Europe. Moreover, Goal Setting has enhanced student retention and closes gender and ethnic performance gaps.

This licensing agreement solidifies GoalStart’s mission to empower students worldwide and positions RSM at the forefront of academic innovation, fostering inclusive prosperity on a global scale. Because when students succeed, societies prosper.

GoalStart has already commenced operations and will soon announce exciting news about new collaborations. Stay tuned for more updates and developments.
Contact us if you would like your students and institution to benefit from our positive psychology interventions.
For more information about this please click on the RSM link here!
